REMINDER | Fall Membership Meeting Sat 11/11 2pm

OBSC1 Members:

As a follow-up to our previous email announcing our Fall Membership Meeting, we are reaching out with additional details. 

Fall Membership Meeting

Our meeting will be held on Saturday, November 11, 2023, at 2:00pm at Union Church of Lavallette located at 25 Philadelphia Ave. Agenda below:OpeningNew Member WelcomeTrustee Candidate Intros and Voting ProcessClub MattersSpring Meeting MinutesBudgetLegalTrustee ReportsQ&A (2-3 minutes per topic per property)ClosingThe voting process will take via physical ballots which will be tallied by independent member(s) of the OBSC1 community. One vote per lot is permitted. We have included summaries below of each candidate seeking election for review prior to casting your vote on Saturday. 

Legal Matter

We would like to take this time to update you concerning ongoing litigation against OBSC1. Please take the time to read through this important letter. We are limited by what we are able to share related to litigation, but will do our best to address your questions at the meeting.

Reminder that our prior communications are archived in the Homeowners section of our website. Password is Sandyfeet20.

We look forward to seeing many of you in person on Saturday.



Ocean Beach Surf Club Unit 1
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Candidate Summaries

I have been a member of OBSC1 for over 23 years and have served as a Trustee for almost 10 years. As Trustee, I have had the responsibility of overseeing the Bay Beach along with helping the other Trustees whenever needed.  I have enjoyed working with the Board members as I believe we all have the Club Members best interest in mind when making some complicated decisions. Now retired I am a full time resident.

I have been Lagoon Chairman for over 18 years, and my shore residence is ideally located to allow me to keep an eye on the Lagoon Mariner. My family has been Club members since 1986. I owned a auto body/ mechanical business for 38 years. I have been the first stop for OBSC #1 boaters who need, I usually help or offer good advice.

I recently retired from Seton Hall University as Professor Emeritus after teaching 47 years in the Department of Communication and founded one of the first computer graphics laboratories in higher education funded by the state of New Jersey. I authored a college level textbook on the subject and taught and designed courses in computer graphics, multimedia, animation and still photography. I served as an Army Lieutenant in Vietnam where I was in charge of a motion picture news team for the Department of Defense, Office of Public Information. I have served on many committees during my academic career and have been active in neighborhood and community organizations including the Morristown Historic Preservation Commission and as chairman of the rebuilding committee for an historic church in Morristown that was destroyed by arson. Our home in Ocean Beach Unit One has been in the family since 1947.

I have been on the Board of Ocean Beach Surf Club as the Recording Secretary since 2012 and my family has been members of the Club since 2009, over 12 years. I have always tried to do what is best for the club as a whole and look forward to continuing on the Board, possible in other areas of importance. I am a Certified Public Accountant licensed by the State of New Jersey and have been employed as a Senior Manager for a New Jersey CPA firm for the past 30+ years.

I have been the President of OBSC for the past few years, serving on the board now for about 6 years. My wife Diane and I have owned a house in OBSC1 since 1986, after renting each year from 1976. We have six children and 11 grandchildren all of whom have grown up at our shore. I am a Certified Public Accountant and have practiced for over 50 years. I have served on a number of Not-for-Profits, including being Chairman of the United Way of America, and currently an advisor to the Board of Trustees of the NY Foundation for Senior Citizens providing Affordable Housing, Support Services, and Home Sharing in all five boroughs.