REMINDER | 2022 Spring Membership Meeting 5/26

OBSC1 Members:

As previously announced, our annual Spring Membership meeting will be held, via Zoom, next Thursday, May 26th at 7pm; we will aim to conclude the meeting no later than 9pm. For those wishing to ask questions, participate in the discussion or otherwise offer input, we ask that one member per household speak on behalf of the property and that matters to be discussed are relevant for all members. Additionally, we will follow firm time allotments for comments from “the floor” to keep the meeting moving along; thanks in advance for your adherence to this process.

Meeting agenda and Zoom details are included below.

Meeting Agenda:

WelcomeSergeant at ArmsTrustee Committee ReportsPotential Rules, Regulations, By-Laws and Deed(s) ChangesAdjournmentZoom Details:
Passcode: 319704

If joining by phone only, please use one of the following options:
One tap mobile:
US: +19292056099,,84803293270#,,,,*319704# or +13017158592,,84803293270#,,,,*319704#
US: +1 929 205 6099 or +1 301 715 8592
Webinar ID: 848 0329 3270
Passcode: 319704
The meeting will almost entirely be dedicated to potential Rules, Regulations, By-Laws and Deed(s) (“RRBD”) changes. Thanks to the many of you who reviewed the documents posted on our website and submitted your input and feedback via the survey link. During the meeting, we intend to highlight those changes with greatest input, the most salient changes or changes we deem to be of broad interest to members to solicit further input and discussion.

May 26th will be the final opportunity for input on changes, although we will likely communicate on specific follow-up matters over the summer. Please note that we will not vote on rule changes at this meeting rather we intend to create a forum for sharing and listening. We expect any necessary voting to occur at our annual Fall Membership meeting and will communicate appropriately in advance.

We recognize that some prefer in-person meetings over Zoom meetings and vice versa. The Trustees have discussed and will attempt to do most future meetings in a hybrid format (in person with simultaneously Zoom option), assuming that we can determine an effective longer term audio/visual solution. Note that offering a Zoom option has maximized participation by more than double from in-person only meetings over past few years. Given some of the recent uptick in COVID cases, we are happy that this meeting will not have an in person aspect as many organizations are again limiting large indoor gatherings.

We look forward to meeting with you all in preparation for the summer 2022 season. We will send an additional reminder next week.



Bill Parrett | President
Scott Flynn | Vice President
Ken Hoffman | Treasurer
Jeff Mucha | Recording Secretary
Barry Tetrault | Corresponding Secretary
Mike Kraynanski | Sergeant at Arms
Dave Finter| Building & Grounds
Greg Gere | Lagoon
John Tedesco | Beach
Jeff Conger | Bay
Matthew Helfant | Beach Badges