OBSC1 | Spring Meeting Zoom Tonight + Paving Update

OBSC1 Members: Reminder that our 2021 Spring Membership Meeting is TONIGHT at 7pm! We have also included another update on the progress of our paving project.

Zoom Meeting Details
Date: Thursday, May 27th
Time: 7:00 PM ET

As announced, the meeting will be hosted as a Zoom webinar, with the Trustees participating as panelists. There will be options for you to join the meeting via a computer, smartphone app or with voice only via telephone. Please note that you will initially be placed in a listen-only mode but will have the opportunity to participate at the appropriate time.

Option 1: Join via computer or smartphone app
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 264845

Option 2: Telephone Voice Only (may limit functionality)
Dial: +1 929 205 6099 or +1 301 715 8592
Webinar ID: 829 3983 3694
Passcode: 264845

One tap mobile dial:
+19292056099,,82939833694#,,,,*264845# or +13017158592,,82939833694#,,,,*264845#

Paving Progress Update
All milling and paving was completed last night and all roads have been since been re-opened - which is great news ahead of the Memorial Day Weekend holiday. Some additional clean up took place this morning but we are very happy with the finish and appearance overall.

Last night we had significant rain, and while some water remained on the roads post the storm, the fewer number of puddles was a significant improvement from the past. As expected, we still have a drainage issue at the west side of W Bay Way (where it meets W Barnegat Way) which we have been discussing with an engineer. More on that later.

If you parked your car on Route 35 or in the marina parking lot due to road closures, please return your vehicles to your own property now that all roads have been re-opened. Please be sure that your vehicles are parked within your property lines; vehicles are not allowed to extend into Club roads at any time.