OBSC1 Road Striping | Weds, 6/30

OBSC1 Members:

NJ Natural Gas (NJNG) has hired a contractor to line stripe each of the OBSC1 roads, add the names of each street (e.g., “East Channel”) along Ocean Road and add "10 mph” markings to remind drivers of our Club speed limit. Work is scheduled take place on Wednesday, June 30th, weather permitting and based on contractor commitments, and should be completed in one day. We are told the application dries rather quickly, so while there will be some temporary road closures, it shouldn’t result in much inconvenience. Trustees will be onsite to help ensure an orderly project.

We were not aware that this work would be completed as part of NJNG's restoration of the roads but are pleased that it is occurring. We considered asking them to delay the project until the Fall, but ultimately decided that proceeding this week would be the best course of action. If there are any major changes to the schedule, we will let you know. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.