OBSC1 Paving Project Progress Update 5/19/21
OBSC1 Members:
Thanks for your feedback on our frequent communications...we will keep the updates coming! On a positive note, work is back on schedule for the most part with paving of E Shore and E Surf completed today and plans to continue northward tomorrow. The construction crew has been great thus far - we're glad to have the "A Team" handling our project. On a less than positive note, we unfortunately had two cars which drove on the pavement prematurely today despite our signage and multiple communications appealing to owners not to do so. Driving on newly poured asphalt can create depressions in our roads (which we will be stuck with) and can track asphalt into your driveway - neither of which is obviously desirable. Please refrain from driving on newly paved roads until at least the morning after paving has taken place. For those impacted by an impassable road, you may park along Route 35N overnight. Please be sure your vehicle is parked safely (not blocking hydrants, crosswalks, sight lines etc.) and that you place a sign in your window with your address/contact info in case someone needs to contact you.
A couple of other key topics and updates below:
Several of you have asked about scheduled deliveries etc. As with any road pavement project, the milling and paving schedule is subject to change due to a variety of factors. As such, we would recommend delaying all deliveries until late next week. We are unable to provide a firm date as to when your particular street will be milled and paved. Additionally, a heavy vehicle like a delivery truck is more apt to cause depressions in our roads, even beyond the morning after paving has taken place. Delaying to end of next week would be the safest bet.Reminder that, when poured, asphalt can remain at temperatures upwards of 250 degrees Fahrenheit for some time. Please, please exercise caution with your pets, children, etc. when walking on newly paved roads. Dogs should not be walked until you can confirm that pavement temp will not cause injuries to their paws.We are again asking that you refrain from speaking with the paving crew and, instead, direct any of your questions/concerns to the OBSC1 Trustees (via this email box). The crew does not have accurate information to answer your questions; homeowners talking directly with the crew are adding an unnecessary layer of complexity and distraction. As noted above, the paving schedule is subject to change due to a number of factors. We can assure you the crew is working at the appropriate pace to deliver a high quality outcome. Our best guess is that the rest of the streets on the East side + Ocean Road will be completed between tomorrow and Monday (excluding weekend). We are assuming that the streets on the West side will be handled beginning Monday and possibly into Tuesday (or beyond). All of this is subject to change but sharing so you have a general idea of how things are playing out at the moment. For your reference, prior emails are archived on our website. We will continue to keep you updated.
Special shoutout to Gary & Lisa Horvath for their help onsite this week!