OBSC1 Paving Project Progress Update 5/18/21

OBSC1 Members:

We are pleased to report that the road paving/resurfacing project has begun! As of end of day today, E Shore, E Surf and much of E Spray have been milled. Unfortunately, the two year old paving equipment had an electrical issue, thus paving will be delayed until 8 am tomorrow, Wednesday, 5/19. E Shore is scheduled to be paved first, followed by E Surf and then onto E Spay and E Channel etc.

As a reminder, you cannot drive on newly paved roads until the morning after paving has occurred, irrespective of what you may have heard or what anyone other than the Trustees may have told you. Also, as mentioned earlier, the paving crew has asked that you please direct any of your questions/concerns to the OBSC1 Trustees and not directly to the contractors.

We are hopeful that, despite this unforeseen paving equipment malfunction, the project will be completed by the evening of Monday, 5/24, excluding weekend work.

For your reference, prior emails are archived on our website. We will continue to keep you apprised of any other important matters related to this project.