OBSC1 July 2021 Update
OBSC1 Members:
We hope this note finds you well and you are enjoying your summer! Hope all were able to make the best of the July 4th weekend in celebration of our country. We thought a quick update on a number of matters was in order and would be appreciated by all. See below for more information.
Our Common Interest
OBSC1 has seen generations of children grow up here over the years. Safety is our number one priority on our beaches and on our roads. In today’s litigious society we must be very diligent in enforcing our rules, especially safety rules. Since we own the beach and roads, we have added responsibility and risks. The Board of Trustees has to act in the best interest of all; we rarely make a decision that doesn’t have at least 9 of the 11 members voting in favor.
Of note, we have had several collaborated confrontations with a few renters and owners over the past year pertaining to parking and/or construction issues. These are difficult times and to ensure everyone's safety, we will leave face-to-face enforcement to our security and local police.Club Roads
The NJ Natural Gas paving project is now substantially complete. You did a great job eliminating encroachments; thanks for the many, many positive comments related to the look and “curb” side appeal created by this project. Line striping was completed this week which included adding speed limits, reminders to drive slowly, directional arrows, street names, etc. Many homeowners have made various requests and suggestions to slow down traffic recently. The new yellow cautionary signage will remind drivers of the large number of pedestrians/children on our roads and to drive slowly and safely. The yellow color intentionally signifies caution as we have no sidewalks whereas white would be used for advisory or regulatory indication.
As mentioned, in some instances, the spacing between curbs on Route 35N is very narrow with approximately 16 feet of width. We have been in communication with Toms River and the State DOT to ensure these curbs are not creating a safety hazard for cars, emergency vehicles, etc. and are awaiting next steps.
We have asked an engineer to assess the connection between property line to property line usage of pavers, cement or other impervious material and its affect on water flow to neighboring properties/houses closer to Route 35. We will share any findings of note.
Lastly, there remains some work to be done on resolving the substantial water issues on W Bay Way and completing the surfacing, striping and a few other matters relative to paving. We will continue to share information as we have it.
Construction and Emergency Repairs
Beginning September 15, 2021, we will require anybody using OBSC1 common property for construction to name OBSC1 as an insured party on their insurance declaration. We have observed contractors placing ladders on Club roads and carrying extraordinarily large items to the roof, as an example, which is an insurance risk to our common interests. As homeowners, you likely would have secured coverage for yourself and/or your property so we will be asking the same be done for the Club and its property for all future construction.
As a reminder, construction and/or non-emergency repairs are not permitted between June 15 and September 15; non-compliance with this rule is subject to daily fines. Emergency repairs may be permitted if approved in advance by the Building and Grounds Chairperson. All requests for emergency repairs must be submitted to obsurfclub1@gmail.com; casually approaching individual Trustees about work rather than seeking written, formal approval does not constitute approval.
Non-compliance with our rules related to dogs continue to be a major issue. Renters are not allowed to have dogs. Owners with dogs must keep them leashed, clean up after them and not allow them on another person's property, on the beaches or dunes. Failure to comply is subject to daily fines.
Parking on lots which do not have a house constructed on them (vacant lots) is a violation of Toms River Code, and subject to increasing yearly fines by the township. Use of vacant lots for parking is also not consistent with OBSC1 regulations nor intent of land usage. This is something we will be enforcing to ensure we don’t slip into a situation of empty lots being rented for off street parking.
As a reminder, vehicles extending into the OBSC1 roads while parked in driveways will be considered “illegal parking.” These vehicles can cause safety and sight line issues; safety is our number one priority so please be sure your vehicle is parked within your property limits at all times.
We will be piloting towing illegally parked cars, at owners expense, by a professional towing service that will patrol our property. To avoid your vehicle being towed, please abide by our parking rules at all times.
We are seeking some help. The Trustees put an enormous number of hours in each year but nonetheless there are a few special projects where we need additional expertise and help. If you are interested in supporting either of the projects below, please let us know at obsurfclub1@gmail.com.
Project 1 | Insurance
Given the events in Miami, there will be trickle down implications to Associations like ours, including the cost and availability of insurance, etc. We would like to proactively review our current policy coverage to consider the appropriateness of limits and recommend any necessary adjustments. Expertise in insurance, risk, liability etc. would be helpful.
Project 2 | Treasury
We are seeking support with continuing the progress that Karen Taylor has made on modernizing our financial policies and procedures. Karen has worked tirelessly over the past two years, but now needs to tend to family matters. While many of the Treasurer duties will be picked up by other Trustees, we would appreciate the support of a few extra hands for the remainder of this year. Expertise in QuickBooks, outsourcing, and cash management in particular would be helpful.
In Closing
Thanks to our head guard Kelly and her esteemed team of lifeguards, to all of our badge checkers and other support staff and finally to Lori, KC and Emma who have an exciting slate of over 50 events planned for this summer. We hope you were able to enjoy the DJ on the beach this 4th of July! Here's hoping the weather cooperates going forward for the upcoming events we have planned. Check out our calendar at obsc1.com and be sure to follow us on social media on Instagram and Facebook! And thank you to our members for their support and cooperation.
Enjoy your summer!