OBSC1 End of Summer Update + Fall Meeting Announcement
OBSC1 Members: The "unofficial end of summer" sure came fast. We hope you all had a safe and enjoyable summer season and were able to enjoy Labor Day weekend! The Trustees appreciate the positive feedback on these periodic updates and thought it would be good to get an update out to the community on a number of matters.
Our Common Interests
Many owners have noticed and remarked about how great our community looks post the road paving. The effort put in by many owners to enhance their curb appeal by adding landscaping and other "beachy" accents has been the subject of many conversations. Overall, our community looks great! Special thanks to both owners and renters who have been cooperative in not allowing vehicles to extend/encroach into the Club roads.
Over the summer, we had a few owners or others who felt it necessary to call for support from local Police Departments; but for the most part, the community has been quiet and respectful of our Toms River (11 pm) and Lavallette (10 pm) noise ordinances. Our Security service has been very visible and has done an excellent job patrolling our community, as evidenced by the positive comments we have received from many of you. As was the case in prior years, the security patrols this summer did not occur every day and/or night, but rather on a rotating basis which seemed to again be effective. We are considering extending this service into late fall and/or possibly over the winter given both the number of year-round residents and increase in prevalence of winter rentals. If you have any perspective on extending security this fall/winter, please let us know via email: obsurfclub1@gmail.com.
Huge thanks to those who volunteered to help on board matters, referenced in our July 8th email!
Fall Membership Meeting - 10/9/21 3pm
In order to accommodate requests from some members to consider an in person option for our Fall Membership meeting, we will need to modify the date that was previously announced in our Spring Newsletter. Our Fall 2021 Owners Meeting will now be held on Saturday, October 9, 2021 at 3pm at Union Church of Lavallette located at 25 Philadelphia Ave and via Zoom. Further details will be finalized and provided shortly. As happened last Fall, we will again provide a secure method to vote for a slate of Trustees. If you have an interest in running for the Board please send an email to obsurfclub1@gmail.com as soon as possible.Rules, Regulations and Bylaws
As mentioned in our Spring Membership Meeting, we have undertaken a review of the Rules, Regulations, and Bylaws and have made several suggested changes in an effort to modernize our governing documents to reflect the realities of our Club today. Some changes can be made by a vote of the Trustees while others will require a vote of the membership. Of course, we will respect that right to vote.
To that end, we will be posting the documents, inclusive of proposed changes, shortly. We will ask that you read and provide any comments over a four week period, after which the Trustees will consider the input and changes. We will notify you of both Trustee conclusions and about any proposed changes which require a vote by the membership; we will provide ample time and appropriate direction on the process. This is an important undertaking; as noted in our last communication consistent enforcement and application of Rules, Regulations, and Bylaws is critical to our collective success as a Club.
Parking Enforcement
As mentioned in our July 8th email, we piloted towing of illegally parked cars, at the owner's expense. The towing company we contracted with installed signs (at their cost) in cooperation with local authorities. While towing is not our preferred approach to enforce our parking rules, we collectively agreed that it's not in the best interest of our Club or the Trustees to confront owners of illegally parked cars. Again, if we have a rule, we must consistently enforce it. If you disagree with a particular rule, there will be an opportunity to propose a change as mentioned in the section above.
With the summer season coming to an end, construction in our community will be permitted once again during the period from September 15, 2021 through June 15, 2022. Any interior or exterior construction that occurs outside this defined period will result in fines.
As a reminder, we are requiring 60 days to review plans but will do our best to expedite the review when possible. Clear final plans that properly address all Rules will make the process smoother. Our website contains important information about the construction process. If you contact Craig Martin, our Trustee who manages Buildings & Grounds, during the plan drawing process he can answer questions and/or have our consulting engineer answer questions or help interpret the Rules.
In Closing
Thanks to our head guard Kelly and her entire team of lifeguards, to all of our badge checkers and other support staff and finally to Lori, KC and Emma who all came together to provide us with a safe and fun summer (despite the less than ideal weather we often had)! Special thanks to our staff members who sold our newly designed clothing and thanks to all members and renters who showed their support of OBSC1 by purchasing something...judging by the sales, the new logo was a hit!
See you on October 9th!
Reminder: Password for the Homeowners section of our site is Sandyfeet20