OBSC1 Club Roads Project + Resolution Update
OBSC1 Members:
Thanks to the many of you who joined us on Zoom for our Fall Membership Meeting on October 24th. The Trustees appreciate your input and we all look forward to another great season in 2021. We thank you for the many positive comments as to the form, content, order and timeliness of our Zoom meetings and we look forward to continuing to improve on our virtual meetings in the future. Also, you noted your appreciation with our communications, which will also continue to improve in the coming months as we drive additional transparency with the community. As promised during the meeting, we are following up on two important matters discussed during our meeting.
Club Roads Project
As discussed at our Spring 2020 Owners meeting, the email sent on September 9, 2020 and most recently during our Fall 2020 Owners meeting, we, as members of OBSC1, own the roads and are responsible for their maintenance. We are fortunate that NJ Natural Gas has agreed to pave the majority of our roads during Spring 2021, at their expense. Unless we take action now, the paving will effectively follow the current pavement lines, emphasizing the collage of patchwork along the road perimeter that has occurred over many, many years. This collage diminishes the value of our homes, the overall appeal of OBSC1 and can cause water problems for you and/or your neighbors. In addition, encroachments on Club property can present legal liabilities for the Club and its members. When the roads are properly repaved by a professional contractor, with curb lines restored to original boundaries, all in accordance with a topographical survey, supervised by an engineer, we stand a chance of improving our neighborhood appeal, water flow that drains to appropriate outlets (to the extent possible, as we do live on the beach at sea level) and decreasing the Club’s liability.
Your Trustees voted unanimously to require those homes which are deemed encroaching on Club property to move their planting beds, pavers, driveway, and/or other encroachments back to the owner's property. You can make the best determination of your property lines by looking at your original or “as built” survey. While you are responsible for determining boundaries and staying within them, as previously announced, the Club has commissioned a survey and topography of our roads, completed by a professional company. The survey has been posted on our website for your reference to use as further validation/determination of encroachments; the red lines represent property boundaries while the blue lines denote encroachments. For those owners making updates to your properties, we are recommending that you use either cement, Belgian block, or pavers to provide more uniformity of the curb and remind you to ensure that your driveway is not higher than the road where they meet when work is finished.
We expect the work of eliminating encroachments to be completed by owners no later than January 31, 2021 and, to that aim, we have provided a list of contractors who can do this work; you can, of course, elect to do the work yourself and/or hire anyone you would like.
Chris Taylor | F1shTails@aol.com | 732-600-3878 *email preferred
DiSantis Contracting | disantiscontracting@gmail.com | 732-749-6009 *email preferred
Mazzucco Masonry | 908-580-3776
Each road will have a Trustee assigned to answer your questions, facilitate the process and ensure that each encroachment is being actively addressed. Please note that the Trustees cannot “approve” your plans or provide official guidance on your plan; it is up to each owner to work with their contractor on the best plan to remove encroachments. We would ask that you let your assigned Trustee know that you are beginning work on your property as well so we can effectively track progress by street.
StreetTrustee ContactTrustee EmailE Shore WayMike KraynanskiMKRAYNANSKI_74@yahoo.comE Surf WayJohn Tedescojohntedesco@ymail.comE Spray WayJeff Congerbayestarj@aol.comE Channel WayBarry Tetraultobsc1echannel@gmail.comE Beach WayDave Finterdaf820bbw@verizon.netE Bay WayCraig Martincraigamartin1@gmail.comE Barnegat WayJeff Muchaebarnegat.obsc1@gmail.comOcean Road/Route 35Bill Parrettbill@parrett.us.comW Spray, W Surf, W Shore WayDave Finterdaf820bbw@verizon.netW Channel, W Beach WayScott Flynnscubascott74@gmail.comW Bay, W Barnegat WayGreg Geregere.greg@yahoo.com*note: Bay Beach Way is not impacted by this project
We ask for your cooperation in eliminating the encroachments. Having NJNG pay for the paving is an enormous savings and opportunity. If we had to pave OUR roads it would cost the association hundreds of thousands of dollars. We have a once in 40-year opportunity to get this right. Having said that, we know that this will not be popular with the homes who are encroaching, but the benefits to the 300 plus homeowners are:Reduced risk of insurance claims to the Club by clearly delineating our property,Significantly improved curb side appeal from a more uniform appearance, which should enhance the value of all properties. There have been a significant number of new homes built in the community and we will likely have 6 plus new homes this winter. Our roads and the overall appearance are not in keeping with your investments,Eliminate areas where encroachment has reduced the 20-foot roadway passage to 17 or 18 feet, making it dangerous for cars, delivery trucks, and emergency vehicles,Ability to require snowplowing curb to curb (once they are uniform), which is increasingly important as we continue to have more and more yearlong/winter residents, andAbility to have the paving contractors attempt to improve/eliminate puddling and pooling of rainwater; water accumulation also freezes in the winter and is a hazard and insurance issue.On this latter point, the property line survey that has been done, also addresses topography of our roads so the NJNG contractors and engineers can work to remediate water issues through paving, identify areas that cannot be improved because "it is the beach” and also, identify issues, if any, caused by Toms River or the state in their paving and storm drain work along Rt 35 North.
Please understand this is a lot of work for your Trustees, but is in the best interest of our Club. We are asking each of you to cooperate and thank you in advance for doing so.
Resolution on Fines
The Trustees committed to considering any further points raised by members who attended the Fall Membership meeting on Zoom, as it relates to the passed Resolution. And to provide a copy of the resolution (attached) for your review. It was our intention to clarify in one place what was otherwise stated in various documents.
As you are aware, at the Fall Membership meeting held on October 24, 2020, a Resolution was passed by the Ocean Beach Surf Club Unit 1 (hereinafter “Club”) members in attendance regarding Rules and Regulations to assist in the enforcement of the existing Club Deed Restrictions, By-Laws and Rules And Regulations (collectively referred to as the “Governing Documents"). The Board of Trustees had unanimously passed.
In consultation with the Club’s legal counsel, the Board of Trustees felt that it was desirable to enact this Resolution which would provide a uniform policy regarding the imposition of attorneys’ fees and costs, and/or charges and/or fines and/or the suspension of Membership Privileges to assist the Club in enforcing the Governing Documents.
The Resolution serves to affirm the responsibility of the Club to provide notice of a violation to the Club owner. It also imposes upon the Club owners, Club members and/or their respective guests to be responsible for attorneys’ fees and costs.
The Club Deed Restrictions do not require any changes and/or additions to the rules and regulations to be submitted to the membership for approval before being put into effect. However, the Board of Trustees felt that it would be in the best interest of the community to have the Club membership’s feedback relative to the then proposed amendment to the Rules and Regulations; which was, in fact, approved by a majority of the Club membership present at the October 24, 2020 membership meeting.
Please do not hesitate to provide your input on the Resolution by November 25, 2020 via Club email obsurfclub1@gmail.com. This Resolution will be recorded in the Ocean County Clerk’s Office thereafter and will become binding upon filing.
Thanks for your continued support and cooperation. As a reminder, the password for the Homeowners section of our site is Sandyfeet20 (case sensitive).
Ocean Beach Surf Club Unit 1
email | obsurfclub1@gmail.com
voicemail | +1.732.830.8100
website | https://www.obsc1.com/
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