REMINDER | Fall Membership Meeting 10/22
OBSC1 Members:
It’s hard to believe today is the first day of fall and summer 2022 is already behind us! We hope you all had an enjoyable summer in OBSC1 – the abundant sunshine, warm temps and clear ocean made for an ideal summer season for members, guests and renters. A huge thanks to our esteemed head lifeguard Kelly and her team of fantastic lifeguards, our badge checkers, social committee, clothing sales staff and all volunteers for making OBSC1 such a special place! And thanks to all of you for your cooperation and support throughout the year.
Fall Membership Meeting
Our Fall Membership Meeting will be held on Saturday, October 22, 2022, at 10:30am at Union Church of Lavallette located at 25 Philadelphia Ave. After deliberation among the Trustees, we have decided to hold an in-person only version of this meeting. As you know, we have tried both virtual and hybrid options over the past few years to accommodate the ongoing pandemic situation. Without expensive A/V equipment or hiring a third party to help, we would be unable to provide a hybrid experience that would address Member feedback on the Fall Meeting in 2021. Aligned with what many of our neighboring communities do, we are hoping that the morning meeting time of 10:30am will be better suited to your schedules. We welcome your continued input on meeting format going forward including the Spring 2023 meeting and future Fall meetings.
At our Fall Membership Meeting, we will also be holding the annual Trustee elections (more information to be provided on the voting process). If you have an interest in running for the Board of Trustees for a 2 year term, please send an email to no later than Saturday, October 15th with a paragraph confirming your interest in serving and any relevant qualifications/information which you would like to be considered by the membership when casting their ballots. Candidate summaries/bios will be shared with Members in advance of the voting process.
Meeting AgendaOpeningNew Member WelcomeTrustee Candidate Intros and Voting ProcessClub Matters and other topics of interest raised by homeownersBylaws UpdateTrustee ReportsQ&A – 2-3 minutes per topic per propertyClosing
2023 Club Operating Budget
As announced at our Spring Membership Meeting, in an effort to increase transparency, we will be hosting an optional budget working session on Zoom for those Members who would like to ask more detailed questions on our 2023 budget, attached and will also be posted on our website. As such, an optional Budget Working Session will be held on Thursday, October 20, 2022, at 7pm. Our Treasurer, Ken Hoffman, along with a few other Trustees, will be on Zoom for any Member who wishes to join and ask budget-related questions (no presentation is planned). Voting on the budget will occur coincident with the voting process for Trustee candidates as has been done in the past (not at this forum). Zoom information is forthcoming in advance of the session– but if you are interested in joining, please save the date!
We look forward to meeting with you all. We will send an additional reminder email mid-October with details on the optional Budget Working session on 10/20 and any other relevant information related to the 10/22 Fall Meeting.